28 July 2010

It's a......

GIRL!!! A little baby girl! I was sure as of yesterday that it was a boy! Little bit was all scrunched up and the ultrasound tech was having a hard time seeing everything. At one point she said "Well this baby is stubborn and not wanting to cooperate!" The first thing that popped into my head was Oh It's a girl! And low and behold baby turned out to be a girl just as stubborn as her mama!

Right after our appointment we made all the necessary calls (and texts) to family and friends and then headed straight for one of my favorite thrift stores, Diane's Resale Shop! Diane buys clothes from Carter's and The Children's Place when they're going out of season and then sells them at an incredible price! Almost 75% off the ticket price! Jackpot! I've had my eyes on a number of little pieces for boys and girls and was anxiously awaiting the verdict so I could snatch up these fantastic finds! I even caught Daniel admiring a pair of little boy converse shoes and frowning a little, so I promised him I'd keep my eyes open for a pair of little pink converse shoes! Here's the loot I scored today...

17 1/2 weeks!


  1. omg they are sooo cute! I'll now be on the look out for cute things to get little Miss Daisy from Auntie Kristal!!! And my creative juices will be flowing on what to make her as well!! :D

  2. I ran across your blog on Top Baby Blogs ... congrats on the little girl!

    I'm due in October with a suprise :)

