01 August 2010

What's in a name?

I realized that in all my excitement I forgot to announce the name of our precious baby girl! Her name will be Daisy Gail. I have a funny story to go along with her name, but first I must explain my LOVE for the name Daisy! Daisies are my favorite flower, they are perky and simply "happy" flowers! My husband knows he doesn't have to go out and spend tons on roses because a $5 bouquet of daisies will make me smile just as much and they live weeks longer!

Now as for the story, I have been determined to name my first daughter Daisy for as long as I can remember. My mom told me I was crazy if I ever thought I'd find a guy who would be okay with me naming my daughter that, as it is not a common name. But being the stubborn redhead that I am I told her that who ever i married would just have to deal with it! When my husband and I were dating we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and out of the blue he said "What do you think about naming our daughter Daisy?" I gasped and fell off the couch! I don't have a clue what movie we were watching or what would have even triggered such a question but needless to say other than the day he asked me to marry him I have never looked at him with such wonder and amazement in my eyes! I asked if he was serious and he said yes, why? I told him about how I was never-in-my-wildest-dreams going to be able to find a man who would let me name my daughter Daisy and there he was sitting on my couch!

So there you have it! Little Miss Daisy Dobson!

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