22 February 2011

2 month check up

Daisy had her 2 month checkup yesterday, shots and all. :-( She weighs 10 lbs 5 oz and is 23 inches long! We have a feeling she's going to be skinny like her momma and tall like her daddy! In other words she'll probably tower over me by the time she's 12. The doctor confirmed she has started teething but they probably won't break through the skin for a few more months. All in all the appointment went well other than Daisy peeing on the scale and getting 3 shots in her legs. That had to be one of the most horrible things. Trying to comfort her as she gets prick after prick after prick and not being able to explain it will be over soon. She was fine of the next few hours after the doctor but once we got home she didn't eat well and finally fell asleep in my arms, only to bawl every time I moved. In the evening she began to run a low fever and by 9:30 it was 101. We gave her some infant Tylenol. She felt so warm and was very drowsy so I laid a cold wash cloth on her forehead as I nursed her right before bed. By 2 AM her temperature had gone back down. This morning she was as happy as a clam! Feeling much more like herself again, she got in as much baby talk as possible, to make up for the day before, before she fell back to sleep in her pack-n-play.

Happy Baby = Happy Momma

1 comment:

  1. hey jessica! i JUST realized that this was you that commented on my blog! haha blonde moment.
    that's so cool you cloth diaper too! i'm really excited about it. what kind/brand of diapers are you using?
