14 May 2010

Morning sickness remedies

For those of us dealing with morning sickness you know it DOES NOT by any means only occur in the morning! If you're like me it last all day long. Even when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee I notice myself a bit queasy. So far I haven't found the "miracle cure" to this constant nausea but I thought I would list a few remedies that have been suggested to me by other mothers. Hopefully some of you will find one that works for you!

1. Chick-fil-A lemonade.
2. Crackers before getting out of bed.
3. Cheerios before getting out of bed.
4. Peppermints.
5. Cinnamon Discs.
5. Preggie Pops (or Preggie Pop Drops)
6. Ginger Ale, Ginger Snaps, Crystallized Ginger, etc. You get the picture, apparently GINGER helps!
7. Eat lots of small meals to not allow your stomach to get too empty.
8. No big meals! You don't want to be over stuffed.
9. Grapes
10. Cold foods and drink.

I have had a terrible time with the after taste of EVERYTHING, so I found sucking on peppermints or cinnamon discs after eating something small helped sometimes. I use Preggie Pops Drops after eating whole meals to help keep it down a little longer. Some things help one day and then prove to be no use the next and vice versa, so i recommend trying things multiple times because one day they might work!

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